Monday, March 30, 2015

SOOO- Limerick

Well since we had Zone Development last week this one starts out on Tuesday
   So Tuesday we did our E-mailing and shopping and cleaning. This week we did a lot of finding, We talked to a lot of people. It can be really fun if you are doing it right. This week we did some more street boarding. Which is always good. We used the same question as before, what makes you happy!? But everyone always has different answers. Well sometimes people have similar answers but then there is always multiple things that makes a person happy. So- What makes you happy? Think about it, write it somewhere, tell someone about it, ask someone else what makes them happy. JUST BE HAPPY! Mine would be flowers. I love flowers! They are always so bright and pretty. Good stuff. Well another thing we did this week that was that we went with the Elders(Elder Scott and Elder Cook) and we did Door Chapping together. So first I went with Elder Cook and Sister Martin was with Elder Scott and we chapped doors on the same street. It was interesting to see how different the responses you get are. So after about an hour we Switched and kept on knocking. There was one door that Elder Scott and I Knocked on and this lady came to the door and started to talk with us, Well she had two of the cutest little boys, one of them ran up to me with a elephant puppet in his hands and handed it to me. So without thinking about it twice I put this puppet on my arm and started to play with this kid while I was talking to his mom about the church. It was so crazy. But she Invited us in and she opened up a lot more to us. We will hopefully be able to go back and see her this week! Kids are the best! 

   So on Wednesday we chapped doors for 8 hours. Wednesday was also the day that it decided to rain all day. But it was so fun! The Church is true!  The rest of the week was more of the same really. We were able to talk to some pretty great people and hopefully we will be able to begin to teach them! 
Saturday there was a baptism and that was good. It was also Elder Hallers Birthday, So I woke up at 5 in the morning made him breakfast and then we ran to their flat for morning exercise and gave it to them. (He asked us the night before if we were going to make him breakfast in bed like his mom would to which we responded "of course not! do you know how early we would have to wake up!?" But we did it. And he was happy, so it was good. We had a little birthday party for him and it was pretty fun. 
   Sunday was fast and testimony meeting and we taught Primary, those kids are crazy.... But it was fun! I am doing good and I hope that you all are too! I love you! Have a great week! ~LOVE SISTER STRIBLING! 
Elder Bayles and Elder Haller with cake on their faces.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Limerick! WOO!

    So this week has been something else. It has been great! It has been CRAZY! But more great then crazy that's for sure. There is always so much to do! So many people to talk to! But it is great! I love it! So this week we were able to go to the city a lot and to try and find people there. It's amazing! And really super scary! 
    Well on Monday it was P-day! Woo! So much fun right? Of course. So we did the usual P-day things. Email, cleaning, and grocery shopping. After we were done with the usual things we met with the Elders (Scott and Cook) and we tried to figure out something to do. I DROVE! WOO! That was crazy. But we didn't die and so it was good! So what we did was the Elders told me to get lost in Limerick, and so I did. We ended up by some church ruins and so we explored it a bit, took some cool pictures and stuff like that. We met a man named John. He cleans Grave stones for a job. He is pretty cool actually. We talked to him for a bit and the Elders will go back to see him. Hopefully it will work out for them(: Well after that we just went home and had dinner.
 Me  & Sister Martin on the Road
The Elders (Cook & Scott) stole my camera.  I hope their mommies like their picture 
 Me and Sister Martin hanging out around some castle ruins on Zone Development Day

   Tuesday was St Patrick's day! And we are in Ireland! How cool is that!? Pretty cool, I know. We had a meeting and then after that all of us missionaries had lunch together. We went out to the city and we did street boarding, The question we wrote was "where are you from?" We had a ton of people stop and answer it for us and we had to write the answer on the board. It was pretty great! And we met two amazing people from it! We will hopefully see them on Sunday
   Wednesday we got a lesson canceled on :( so sad. We waited and waited but nothing. 
Thursday we were with Nichola and she passed her Baptismal interview! WOO! after that we practiced singing for her baptism, but we can't sing at all so she told us we didn't have to. THANK GOODNESS! Well then we went to Brother O'Rourkes house and we had dinner with him and Bernie. They are pretty great! It was fun! 
    Friday we did some planning and it was pretty good! I got a new pet kitty! So There is this cat that comes to our back door every morning and he just sits there and waits for me to come pet him. Well Friday was cold in the morning so I put some snacks on the ground inside our flat and then the cat came inside. He ate some snack and let me pet him and carry him and then he ran! He ran into our bedroom and got stuck under Sister Martins bed! But she is allergic to cats so she said I had to get him out of the house :( Sad face! So I tried for about 30 minutes. trying to coax him out. But he didn't wanna go. He just felt the spirit too strong in our flat he wanted to live there. But eventually I got him out with pets, a laser pointer and treats. Yes, we keep a box of cat treats in our flat just for him. I also carry one with me at all times to feed the neighborhood cats.. haha I am so weird! Seriously. Well after we got the cat out the day was not as exciting. We also did some street boarding with the Elders so that was fun. We asked "what makes you happy?" Lots of people stopped to answer it for us! It was great, we found 2 people that we will hopefully be able to meet with this week! Exciting! 
Midnight Snake Eyes hiding under the Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

     Saturday, we had a baptism! Nichola Sherlock was Baptised! She's so great! She is seriously so sweet! I love her so much! She is the bomb! We had to get there like 3 hours early to fill up the baptismal font. That thing is seriously so slow! But the water was warm so it was good! She was so happy, when she got out she hugged Sister Martin and I while she was soaking wet, She is so sweet! On Sunday she was called to be the Primary pianist and she was pretty excited about that I think! We also went to get pizza for dinner with the Elders and that was fun, We saw a rat swimming in the river... that was nasty. 
Happy Baptismal Day Sister Nichola Sherlock!!!

     Sunday we had branch council meeting, super exciting. We had 4 investigators come to church! It was seriously a miracle! I was so excited! We also went to a Passover dinner after church. It was really interesting. There was an inner faith group that meets and we were invited. It was pretty sweet. Really different but it was interesting. They offered us wine.. that was fun?not!. But we were able to share with them some of what we believe so it was good! And we came home chanting in Hebrew. Interesting night over all. 
 Elder Cavallaro and I were taking pictures on Elder Webers Ipad and we got caught. LOL!

   MONDAY we had Zone Development. It's a day where all the missionaries in our zone get together and do games and activities to unite us as a zone. It was pretty great. We went to some castle ruins and played capture the flag. We also went to a park and played yoga football. I pushed 6 elders on one swing. That was... Interesting and really difficult. Those Elders are heavy! Well after that they pushed 4 of us sisters on a swing and it was horrible. They swung us so fast and around in circles. Sister Martin jumped off and bounced then slid. Not cool. After that we had dinner at the church and a testimony meeting. It was great! Since all of the missionaries in our zone live so far apart a lot of them had to leave pretty early. But Us and Elder Scott and Elder Cook had fun together. We did star tipping/gazing (when you look up at the dark sky and spin super fast and then someone shines a bright light into your eyes and you fall over). haha good times... Crazy Elders. They're great though. 

This week was a good one! I hope all of you all are doing super great! I love you! ~SISTER STRIBLING!

Monday, March 16, 2015 Limerick I go!

Elder Martin Elder Pienaar Elder Salazar Sister Riesen and I on my last night in Glasgow!

Well over the sea and through the crazy crowds of crazy people to Limerick I go. So that ferry ride was the worst thing in my whole life!!! Seriously! I almost died. And I threw up all in that weird bathroom. It was SO CRAZY. I hope that I never have to go back on that thing. I will cry. So hard.

    So after we got off the Ferry we got on a bus, and then off that bus and onto another bus. After that bus we got to Dublin and we met our new companions! Mine is Sister Martin, she is quiet and has short hair(inside joke...) Haha good one Sister Stribling. But really, she is pretty funny and we get along pretty great! This will be a good transfer for sure! We will be having a baptism for Nichola Sherlock on Saturday, It is going to be so great! Nichola is so funny! She is amazing. She is doing great! We were going to sing a song with the Elders at the baptism until she figured out that we cant sing.. at all.. haha good one. 

Me & my new companion Sister Martin

   So Ireland is a lot different than Scotland. That's for sure. On Saturday we went street boarding with the Zone leaders and our District leader. Now that was scary. We went into the middle of the city centre. So we had this big white board and we wrote on it, "Why do we celebrate Easter?" And so for about 4 hours we walked around and talked to people about it. It was pretty great. I set up an appointment with one guy named Gabriel and was able to share with a lot of people! It was great! 
   So everything is going pretty good over here in Limerick, We are excited to be here during St. Patrick's day. Kinda scared too though.. haha we will see what happens. 
THE CHURCH IS TRUE! I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Chapter Twenty...or something like that...

Sister Stribling & Sister Riesen

This week in the exciting mission of Sister Stribling--- we received Moves calls yesterday :( And I am Headed over to Ireland! I will be serving in Limerick now (: Its pretty exciting! But I am so sad to leave Glasgow! I know there is a reason that I am going to Ireland and I will do my best to find that reason and do it!
   So we got all settled in our new flat, I even unpacked EVERYTHING! But now I will repack it all. HAHA the joys of mission life! I LOVE IT! THE CHURCH IS STILL TRUE! Sister Riesen and I have had a good week together this last week! Really crazy and hectic but really good! She is really so great! Okay so I don't want to disappoint with a short Email today but I have a feeling it will happen!

   So on Wednesday I will be headed out of Glasgow! This is still super crazy to me! The Lord's plans are definitely way different than the plans we have! But only he knows why things happen the way they do. And all I need to do is to trust him with ALL of my heart and it will all be fine! So that is what I am going to do! I don't really know why I need to go to Limerick but God knows! So I'll go! I am pretty excited to see what this next chapter has in store! I hope that you all are having an AMAZING week!(: I love you all so much! 
BE GOOD! ~LOVE Sister Stribling

LOOK HOW EXPENSIVE TWINKIES ARE! That's like 15$! and 12$ for Oreos! SERIOUSLY!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Better Late than Never!

So we didn't have time on Monday so we are emailing today! (Wednesday)  First, answers to Mom's questions

1) Any new baptisms in the works for you and your comp?HOPEFULLY! In the Semi-near future! We are teaching one guy now and we are excited for him, he is pretty great!

2) Did you reactivate some less actives this week? this past month?Nope not this month. We will keep working with everyone we can though! 

3) How many Book of Mormon's have you given away? Oh man I don't even know how many I have given away... I think just about one or two a week.. I am not sure how many weeks it's been but some one can add it up ;D  (mom note: as of this week Wednesday she has been out 19 weeks now)

4) Do you ask families "What can we do for you"? and then what kind of things do they say?THEY ALWAYS TELL US NO! Haha not sure why. Maybe they dont want to take up our time or something like that but we seriously love to serve them so much! I think as we build better relationships with people they are more open to service from us. So hopefully soon they will use us haha!

    Well this last week and a half has been something else!!! We have been pretty busy with moving flat's cleaning old flats and getting everything back to good! It is getting there and we are almost done! It is so exciting!! We are teaching Rachel today and that will be great! We are so happy that she was baptised, she is seriously just so great! We are also teaching Christian, He is one of our investigators and he is awesome too! Hopefully we will be able to see him this week! All of our people here are doing great! They are still amazing, Like always! It is so great to be able to see people grow and change to come closer to Heavenly Father! I hope that you all are having a great week! And always remember who loves you! LOVE SISTER STRIBLING