Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 2 in Glasgow: I need thee EVERY hour (and probably a lot more than that)

Whew. Second week down. Tough but good. This week we had a lot of people cancel on us. Tough part about this is wanting to share with them this great gift that we have. But this last week, I have come to realize something. I can't do much more than to offer. Offer to help someone, to serve someone, to carry their grocery bags (which weigh a ton), offer to clean their yard, or offer to share anything with them. The Only thing I can do, The ONLY thing I have control over is how I love them. How instead of walking into someone's house that smells horrible and judging them, and thinking less of them, How can I turn myself around and love them? How can I offer to give them all I have? How can I learn to love these people by serving them? I have a lot to learn still. I feel like I have learned a lot, but it is not enough. If we are content with the people that we are, we will be going backward in the Gospel. How can I, Sister Stribling, learn to accept people for who they are? How can I love them? Truly love them. Not just say that I love them, but to show them that I really do love them. How can I stop being sarcastic and talking down to people around me? even though people think that it's funny. What is one thing that all of this has in common? It keeps me from the spirit.
On Saturday I fasted for 24 hours. I have never done this before in my life. I didn't think it would even be possible. When I was fasting I made a list; a list of 11 things that I have noticed keep me from feeling the spirit as loving and as openly as I can. So now for 40 days I will be avoiding these things in order to feel the spirit more, to be more worthy, to have that presence with me. It's gonna be really hard, but so great. 
This week has been a little crazy, one pair of boots down, one to buy today... Yeah I already broke my boots from walking.... Sheesh. So off to the charity shop to buy new ones today.  (Mom note: Mondays are PDays.  Sister Stribling emails us from the Library)

Tuesday we went to the University of Glasgow campus and we did a survey about family history. Most of the people were really very nice so that was uplifting. After this we taught Michael. Michael is so amazing, He is getting baptized on the 30th and we are SO excited for him. 
Wednesday we had a lot of studies followed by someone not showing up and us waiting in the library for about 30 minutes. But then we went to see the amazing Pierre. Seriously. Pierre is so amazing. He had wayyy too much food for us (one hour before our dinner appointment), and he bought us leather gloves, because our hands are ALWAYS frozen after it rains and we just have our cotton gloves. He is so nice (:
Thursday we had our weekly planning (for 3 hours.) SUPER FUN! Then we went around a nieghborhood called Archerhill. And we found out that there is an Archerhill road, avenue, court, and square...haha too crazy 
I need to get better at managing this computer time, haha I promise next week's email will have all the days on it.. Maybe.

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